WP-CLI also has powerful commands for working within WordPress Multisite. Here are a few that are helpful for working within the database.
Note: These commands are for subfolder multisite only. If you are using multiple domains in your sub sites please contact support.
Finding Your Multisite Network Top-Level Domain
One thing to note when working on WordPress Multisite with WP-CLI is you'll always need to pass the URL that is currently set at your top-level domain in the network.
If you are unsure of what your top-level network domain is, open the wp-config-hosting.php
and find the constant set for define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'example.com' );
Search and Replace in WordPress Multisite, Including Serialized Arrays
pagely-wp search-replace --network 'http://old.example.com' 'http://new.example.com' --url=old.example.com
pagely-wp cache flush
Update WordPress Multisite-Specific Tables
Note: Do not use http(s):// for these steps.
pagely-wp search-replace old.example.com new.example.com.com wp_site wp_blogs