Additional RAM is not available to purchase by itself like other server resources are at Pagely: CDN, bandwidth, and disk space.
We can, however, make a wide range of accommodations related to storage. A la carte expansion options with associated pricing are shown near the bottom of our pricing page.
Note: Find our resource breakdown for each dedicated VPS hosting plan on our Plan Comparison Matrix.
CPU and memory are always linked on Amazon AWS, our Cloud Infrastructure provider, therefore a plan upgrade would be required to procure additional RAM capacity. With each upgrade in sequence, you are gaining double the CPU and RAM — thus, double the number of PHP workers able to process WordPress traffic at once — though, we do not limit the number of PHP workers you are able to use — we only try to help you get the right amount of cooks (PHP Workers) in the kitchen (CPU) — not too few, but also, not too many.
Transparency is something we believe in and value here at Pagely, and can certainly share our server specifications with you to help flush out a suitable solution for scaling your traffic. Request a meeting with our Sales team for a complete consultation.