We restrict our customers from using the Roots.io Bedrock framework on our VPS options. We prohibit the ability of modifying WordPress core, so this allows us to avoid conflicting issues with our internal deployment and configurations to our update system.
Pagely natively manages the WordPress stack for you automatically, including updates to both WordPress core and WordPress plugins to help alleviate this effort and need.
See how Pagely keeps consistent with howe we Handle WordPress Core & Plugins Updates without involving downtime for your site.
Using Deep Webroots
To emulate the Bedrock workflow, we support using a deep webroot directory structure. Using this alternative method, a symlink can point to a releases/release-a, release-b folder which can then symlink to a shared directory outside of releases for assets that don’t need to change between each release.
Reloading PHP, NGINX, and Apache will be needed after doing a release, which we can provide a wrapper script for you to be able to do. We also provide a way to configure a post-receive hook in a Git repo hosted on a VPS to initiate the build and release process. As the customer, you would need to write the script but our Operations staff can provide some basic examples for you. If you want to use webhooks instead to pull from something like Github or Bitbucket we can support that as well.
Note: Here are some ways you can explore organizing your deployments shown in our 1-Click Git deployment Support Knowledge Base article.