SSL is a very important part of your site. Not only does is help to protect your users’ privacy, but it also helps secondary things like SEO. While there are various options out there for free SSL certificates such as Let’s Encrypt, you may still want to install a 3rd-party SSL certificate from an SSL provider.
In this article, we’ll show you how to install your SSL certificate from within the Atomic control panel.
Getting Started
I don’t have a CSR or SSL certificate yet and need to generate one
This SSL certificate uses a CSR that was generated in Atomic
This SSL certificate uses a CSR that was generated outside of Atomic
If you need to make changes to an existing SSL certificate that you already have installed, take a look at our Updating and Changing SSL Certificates article.
Generating a New CSR and Uploading a Certificate
SSL certificates require a CSR to exist before the SSL certificate can be issued or installed. To learn more about how to generate a CSR inside the Atomic control panel, review our article on generating a CSR.
Importing an SSL Certificate and Key into Atomic
- Begin by logging into the Atomic control panel.
- Next, click on SSL within the left side menu.
- Once within the SSL Certificate Manager, click on the Add Certificate button.
- A new window will appear, providing you with several options. Click on the link at the bottom of the window that says Import Existing Private Key & Certificate.
- You’ll now be able to add your new private key and certificate by using the corresponding Select File buttons, or by pasting the contents into the fields.
- Once, you’ve inserted your private key and certificate, simply click on the Submit button to install your SSL certificate.
That’s all there is to it! Your SSL certificate has now been installed!
Installing an SSL Certificate
If you’ve previously generated a CSR in Atomic and need to install an SSL certificate that was issued, you can follow these instructions:
- Begin by logging into the Atomic control panel.
- Next, click on SSL within the left side menu.
- From within the SSL Certificate Manager, click on the Upload Certificate button.
- A new window will be opened up, allowing you to upload your SSL certificate. Simply click on the Select File button to upload your SSL certificate, or paste it’s content into the field.
- Finally, click Submit to install your SSL certificate.
Your SSL certificate has now been installed!