Method 1 - Let Pagely or a Professional Agency Handle It
Pagely provides professional white-glove migration services to each customer, free for up to 3 apps. Additional managed migrations are available for $100 per app. To get started on a white-glove migration request, log in to Atomic, head to the Support section, and complete the Migration Form. Once submitted, an engineer will review the details and keep you updated on progress.
We can also recommend a few third party agencies who are experienced in migrating sites to Pagely:
- - Management. Support. Peace of Mind.
- WP SiteCare - WordPress Services
Method 2 - DIY: SFTP
Step One: Grabbing a Copy of Your Database
- PhpMyAdmin
- Contacting your current host provider's support staff
- Host's dashboard (cPanel in many cases)
- If you are unsure, it is best to contact your host's support team to find out what options are available for you to export the SQL file. If Pagely has migrated a few of your applications already, we may know where to loo as well.
Step Two: Connect to Your Host Provider
Step Three: Connect to Your Pagely Server
Method 3 - DIY: CLI (Command Line Interface)
This is the more advanced option, and will require some command line interface knowledge to successfully undertake. Dot your i's and cross your T's on this one.Step One: Grabbing a Copy of Your Database
Option 1: WP-CLI
Most host providers utilize WP-CLI, or WordPress Command line interface this is by far the easiest option as a simple method to grab a copy of your database is to run the following command in your webroot directory...
This will create a SQL file, which contains a copy of your database.
Option 2: MySQL CLI
An alternative to this that's often available is MySQL CLI the following command can be utilized in your host's webroot:
mysqldump -p -u username database_name > dbname.sql
The suggested command to run may vary depending on your host provider. Please contact them to be certain you export the file properly.
BE ADVISED: You should NEVER leave a copy of your SQL file in your webroot directory. This is a dangerous practice that we even scold ourselves for doing. Please clean up after yourself for your own security.
Step Two: Transferring Files Over
This will require knowledge of rsync, or some similar transfer utility command line tool to complete this task. Check "HowTo Use rsync For Transferring Files Under Linux or UNIX" for more information.
You'll also need to set up SSH access at Pagely. The following Pagely Article: Setting up SSH access for your new VPS Account will help.
You can also review our video for a visual a more visual tutorial...
Please note that Pagely handles WordPress core files. As such, the only directory that MUST be transferred over is the wp-content folder.
Please also note your SQL file should NEVER remain in your public directory. We're repeating this with good reason. To be doubly cautious, transfer your SQL file one directory above in...
Step Three: Importing Your Database
If you are temporarily leaving your SQL file in...
Which is your webroot directory, you can simply run the following command...
wp db import db.sql
and your file will be imported. If you had placed your SQL file in...
Then run the following command.
wp db import --path=/Sites/
and you're done!