PressARMOR is the suite of tools, practices, and systems used from the top down to ensure customer security at Pagely. We have tight-knit procedures applied to the server, network, and WordPress level to offer our customers the right peace of mind when it comes to maintaining the integrity of your data.
Web Application Firewall
Secure WordPress Hosting is just how we do business. For base level security, we utilize an in house web application firewall (WAF), which means we block commonly known exploits by use of regular expressions and rule sets. Things like code injection attacks. In addition, we utilize custom rate limiting which means limiting the bandwidth to a particular category of traffic or connection type. This greatly reduces the chance of a DDoS attack succeeding.
Real-Time Process Monitoring and Management
On top of the above, we also utilize chroot user separation and real-time system malware scanning. Scanning for malware means we’re constantly looking for things like trojan horses, viruses, worms, keyloggers, spyware, and adware. Chroot means we’re running certain processes inside of modified environments so they can’t access files outside their designated directory tree, and hence this is an additional hardening feature we’re using to keep the bad guys out.
Detailed in our Incident Response program customers will receive a full report in the event of a compromise, with any necessary patching applied by our internal Information Security team.
Custom Rulesets
Additional rulesets at our network edge filter out much of the nefarious traffic long before it even has a chance to pass into our network.