What Are Pagely's Default CORS Headers?
By default, Pagely adds CORS headers on ARES for webfonts such as "eot|otf|svg|ttc|ttf|woff2".
What If We Want To Add Additional CORS Headers?
Most cross-origin-resources should work out of the box.
If there are any security concerns about using the wildcard option, we suggest to look over the CORS documentation to determine the best option for your site.
If you'd like to make changes to how response headers are sent, Atomic provides a self-service UI for modifying your response headers. Of course, our support team is always here to help you make changes if you need additional assistance.
Modifying CORS Headers for WordPress REST API Requests
The default CORS headers when accessing the WordPress REST API can be modified using a bit of custom code on your site.
For more information on modifying CORS headers when using the REST API, see the following: