phpMyAdmin is available for all Pagely hosting plans. Depending on your account type, you may need to request it via a support ticket.
Recommended Alternative: Use a Local MySQL Client
While phpMyAdmin can be a useful tool for managing databases from within a browser, it is recommended that you use a dedicated database client such as Sequel Pro or DBeaver.
For further instructions on connecting to a database using a dedicated client, see out article on connecting to your database using a MySQL client.
phpMyAdmin On VPS/Enterprise Accounts
To access phpMyAdmin on your account, select the sign in link on the Dashboard page while logged into your Atomic account.
Pagely Clone Tool is not enabled by default. If you would like to use the clone tool on your VPS/Enterprise account, you can contact support to have it enabled for you.
phpMyAdmin On Legacy Shared Accounts
To access phpMyAdmin on Pagely's legacy shared hosting accounts, simply visit the phpMyAdmin login page and log in using your Atomic control panel credentials.