Load testing is a common practice when running enterprise WordPress sites. It allows you to determine how your site will operate under different workloads.
The side effect of load testing is that Pagely's automated systems may block or rate-limit these requests. Before load testing, you'll want to configure your tools to use a token that will bypass these protections.
Load Testing Token Request Header
To use your load testing token, you'll need to provide it within a request header. The methods in which you will add this header will vary depending on the tool you're using, but the header will look something like this:
X-Pagely-Skip-Ratelimit: my_token_value_here
Testing Your Token with cURL
To test your load testing token, you can use the following cURL command example:
curl -I -X GET -H "X-Pagely-Skip-Ratelimit: my_token_value_here" https://pagelyexample.com/
After sending your request, the response should contain the following header:
X-Gateway-Rate-Limit-Whitelisted: wp-rate-limit-tokens