If you're performing load tests, performance tests, or are otherwise making repeated requests to your site, you may run into rate limits. These rate limiting rules are in place to protect your site from attack, but can also get in the way if the repeated requests are intentional.
In this article, we'll show you how to disable rate limiting based on the client's IP or a load testing token.
Creating Rate Limit Rules in Atomic
Rules to bypass rate limiting can be defined from within the Atomic control panel. Here's how to create a rate limiting rule.
- Start by logging into the Atomic control panel.
- On the left side menu, click on Apps to access your app list.
- Next, locate the app that you want to add a rate limit exclusion rule to, then click on the settings icon to the right side of the app's name.
- Since rate limiting is performed on the ARES gateway level, click on the ARES tab.
- To access the rate limiting settings for ARES, click on the Rate Limits section.
- Now it's time to make a new rate limiting configuration. To do so, click on the New Configuration button at the top-right.
- Let's start creating our new rate limit exclusion rule. First, start by giving the rule a name. It can be anything you want. Just be sure you would know what it is if you needed to make changes to it.
- Next we'll select how we want to disable rate limiting. This can either be by a list of IP addresses that will be allowed to bypass the rate limits or a token that can be used within the request.
For the purposes of this example, we're going to use an IP list. - Since we selected to create our rule based on an IP list, a new field will appear that allows us to place a comma-separated list of IP addresses to whitelist.
- After your rule is in place, save your changes by clicking on the Save Configuration button.
- Finally, to make your rate limit rule active, click on the Deploy Changes button.